Vision 20 What are the alternatives?

 Overview Vision 20: What is this supplement about?

This is a health supplement that combines 10 ingredients from natural extracts. It is claimed to protect the eyes from low light vision and also to improve near and far vision.

That is a huge claim.

All we can say is that we look closely at the ingredients of Vision 20 and the only thing we can find are the raw materials. The problem with raw materials is that they are not easily absorbed (ref) which means you need a very large portion to meet the recommended daily dosage.

Let's take an example ...

Carrots contain beta-carotene. However, you may need to eat a full bucket to meet your daily needs for good vision.

Therefore, to avoid the whole problem, therefore, you prefer to opt for an advanced beta-carotene supplement with premium ingredients. This way, your body can absorb the things it needs, faster because nothing is messy.

Do you understand?

So it’s unrealistic to say that Vision 20 will get the results you need as fast as your salescope can claim.

Vision 20 What are the alternatives?

Our goal is to help our readers get the best value for their money. And so when we were looking for a good alternative to Vision 20, we wanted to find something that:

It contains top quality natural ingredients

Made by a legitimate company

Affordable prices

Supported by quality customer service

It comes with a money back guarantee

In our opinion, only Opti-Nutra’s Performance Lab Vision fits that description. It has trademarked ingredients that have a much better effectiveness than the raw materials found in Vision 20.

For example, you get doctor-approved FloraGlo lutein whose bioavailability is rated almost twice as high as raw lutein (1, 2).

On top of that, you get FloraGlo Zeaxanthin, which is the gold standard when it comes to improving vision. This is because, although it is a natural ingredient, you get it freely which means your body can absorb more, faster and easier.

Thus, you will end up with smaller, easier-to-absorb pills that are also very effective. And the best part is that you get each bottle for $ 39, which is much cheaper than the Vision 20, which costs $ 49.

Given all of these facts, we can confidently say that Zenith Lab’s Vision 20 is hugely exaggerated. Instead, there is better value in a Performance Lab Vision plugin.


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